Thursday, 25 July 2013

25/7/13 - Reef due to start work


St Helier Councillor Maxi Martin told the St Helier Community meeting tonight that Reef will begin development work at the end of August.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

452 Signatures on Petition for Registering Morden Tavern as an Asset of Community Value


452 signatures collected on our petition in support of our application to have the MT registered as an ACV. Thank you everyone who signed, your continued support for our campaign is fantastic.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

11/7/13 - private meeting with Merton Council Leader Stephen Alambritis


Members of the SHPG and CAMRA attended a private meeting with Merton Council Leader Stephen Alambritis. They pressed the case for Merton Council to register the MT as an Asset of Community Value and for an Article 4 Direction which would ensure that any change of use from A4 Public House would require a planning application. At present pubs can be converted to several other purposes without a planning application, including retail. A Direction would ensure local people have a say before this happens.