Sunday, 24 October 2010

Demonstration - 24/10/10

Morden Tavern 

Sunday 24th October 2010 - 1PM
Morden Tavern Car Park
We need your support!

We will be holding a short demonstration outside the Morden Tavern. Siobhan McDonagh MP and the local media will be present to witness the level of support.

This is our chance as a community to show how strong we feel about this proposed development.

We will also be answering questions and updating everyone on the complex developments to-date in the Campaign. Get the facts - ignore the rumours!
The demo will only last for 30mins rain or shine and we really hope, you, the community can make the 1pm appointment for this demo.

As part of our attempts to save the Tavern we are requesting that Merton Council lists the Tavern as a ‘building of local historic importance’ If we are successful this will help protect the building. The application needs as many individual letters of support as possible. Last time we asked St Helier for letters 412 people responded—a record! Can we beat it? Please either write your own letter or sign and complete the letter below and send to: Urban Design and Conservation, 13th Floor Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX or hand deliver to 77 Blanchland Road, Morden and we will make sure your letter is sent. THANK YOU J

Your Name:

Your Address:


Dear Merton Council

I am writing in support of the recent application to make the building of Morden Tavern specially protected by adding it to Merton Council's list of local historic sites.

I have been resident at St Helier for many years and the pub has been right at the heart of the community and we can all still remember it from when we were small, having birthday parties and then growing up and moving into the bar. The garden has always been very popular too, especially in the summer.

There were once three refreshment houses on the St Helier estate and now there is only one left and that's just closed. These pubs were built here for a reason- to give local people somewhere to go to socialise, and especially for me since I am able to walk 10 minutes and meet everyone I know there. If it was important for us to have somewhere to meet our friends, go for a meal and entertain the children in the 1930s when St Helier was built, why is it not important for us to have a place like that any more?

Yours sincerely


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