October 2011 newsletter
Campaign for Morden Tavern
An update from the group dedicated to saving the Morden Tavern site.
During the summer months there has been several developments in the campaign to protect the Morden Tavern.
On July 29th the campaign committee met with Councillor Andrew Judge who’s remit covers the dis-posal of council assets. Our aim at the meeting was to persuade councillor Judge not to accept an offer from Reef Estates rumoured to be around £2.1million for the Morden Tavern freehold. The meeting was arranged by the three local St Helier Councillors who were present.
We were shocked to discover from Councillor Judge that an agreement had already been reached with Merton council to sell the Morden Tavern freehold to Reef Estates.
This initially was a body blow to our campaign however we now believe, but have not yet had confir-mation that this deal is dependent on Reef Estates obtaining suitable planning permission.
We now know that 412 letters of objection were received against the planning application which shows the strength of the local support for the Morden Tavern. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to write in.
We believe that as a direct result of the unprecedented number of letters of objection Reef Estates subsequently withdrew their current application. This is a small but significant victory for you the St Helier residents!
Reef Estates have not yet gone away, but we are aware they have lost a court case which means they are unable to take procession of part of the Morden Tavern site.
They will be making a new application sometime after October and we will again be asking everyone to raise a similar level of objection. If we can obtain even more letters of objection than before this will hopefully make Reef and Merton council realise that the St Helier community have had enough of being taken for granted.
We are also exploring other avenues to make life difficult for Reef, but hope you can understand we are not ready to publicly show our hand.
Reef have taken the diabolical act of forcing the Morden Tavern, a popular and profitable public house to close its doors. This appears to be a vindictive act against our community.
BUT just because its closed doesn't mean it can’t be saved. If we are able to protect the building the community could get its amenity returned to it.
This will be a long and hard campaign for which we need your help.
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